Deno for Visual Studio Code

1. OS
– Ubuntu
– user: wsd02
– directory: /home/wsd02/Deno

2. Download and install

~$ curl -fsSL | sh
######################################################################## 100.0%
Archive:  /home/wsd02/.deno/bin/
  inflating: /home/wsd02/.deno/bin/deno
Deno was installed successfully to /home/wsd02/.deno/bin/deno
Manually add the directory to your $HOME/.bashrc (or similar)
  export DENO_INSTALL="/home/wsd02/.deno"
  export PATH="$DENO_INSTALL/bin:$PATH"
Run '/home/wsd02/.deno/bin/deno --help' to get started

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3. add .bashrc
– export DENO_INSTALL=”/home/wsd02/.deno”
– export PATH=”$DENO_INSTALL/bin:$PATH”

~$ vi ~/.bashrc
~$ source .bashrc
~$ deno --version
deno 1.27.1 (release, x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
typescript 4.8.3

4. deno upgrade

~$ deno upgrade
Looking up latest version
Local deno version 1.27.1 is the most recent release

5. Creste directory

~$ mkdir Deno
~$ cd Deno

6. Install Deno Extention for Visual Studio Code
6.1 Execute Visual Studio Code

~/Deno$ code .

6.2 Browse for extensions and Install Deno Extention
– View: Extensions command (Ctrl+Shift+X).
– Select Deno
– Click the Install button

6.3 Initialize WorkSpace Configuration
– Click link: Deno:Initialize WorkSpace Configuration

6.4 Check settings.json file
– path : /home/wsd02/Deno/.vscode/settings.json

~/Deno/.vscode$ cat settings.json 
    "deno.enable": true,
    "deno.unstable": true

6.5 Edit settings.json file

~/Deno/.vscode$ cat settings.json
  "deno.enable": true,
  "deno.lint": true,
  "editor.formatOnSave": true,
  "deno.unstable": true,
      "[typescript][typescriptreact][javascript][javascriptreact][json][jsonc][markdown]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "denoland.vscode-deno"